51 个回复 | 最后更新于 2017-12-08
2017-12-08   #50
  Daffodil/Narcissus—self-love, egoism.
  In Greek mythology, narcissus is the name of a beautiful young man. Although many nymphs fell in love with him, he did not love any one. One day he saw his own face reflected in a fountain, and he thought he was so beautiful that he fell in love with himself. He pined away and died of love. His body turned into the narcissus.
2017-12-08   #51
  Laurel—glory, honour.
  English idiom: rest on one’s laurel: be content with successes already gained and not attempt to increase them. In Greek mythology, Apollo fell in love with nymph Daphne, who hated marriage, ran away from him, and Apollo followed her closely. Daphne called for help. Her father, a river god, changed her into a laurel tree to save her. Apollo took the tree as his own, and he would wear the leaves as his crown. This is said to be the reason why in ancient Greece the winners of games held in honour of Apollo was crowned with leaves of laurel. Since Apollo was also the god of poetry, some important poets of a country were given the title of poet laureate. A Noble prize winner can be called a Nobel laureate.
  rest on one’s laurel: be content with successes already gained and not attempt to increase them.
  Lilac—youth, tenderness.
