


主题数: 1     回贴数: 45


最后活动于 2017-12-08
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Laurel—glory, honour.
  English idiom: rest on one’s laurel: be content with successes already gained and not attempt to increase them. In Greek mythology, Apollo fell in love with nymph Daphne, who hated marriage, ran away from him, and Apollo followed her clo
«  2017-12-08
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Daffodil/Narcissus—self-love, egoism.
  In Greek mythology, narcissus is the name of a beautiful young man. Although many nymphs fell in love with him, he did not love any one. One day he saw his own face reflected in a fountain, and he thought he was so beauti
«  2017-12-08
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   superstitions about mysterious numbers
  this number has the idea of singleness,uniqueness,as well as unity and agreement in purpose and action. Christian God is unique.he does not share his glory with another, as is the case with pagan
«  2017-12-08
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Rose—love, grace, beauty, happiness. There is no flower as popular and as beloved as the rose in the West. Many people call it the queen of flowers. According to an old legend, Venus, going to Adonis with nectar, stepped on a thorn while getting down her chariot.
«  2017-12-08
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   the final exam of this term is just around the corner,so i'm prepared for all the exams.
  next term, i will continue the theme.hope u will stand by me...
«  2017-12-08
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Fortunetelling
   Fortunetelling is the practice of trying to guess or predict what will happen in the future. Persons who claim to foretell the future are called fortunetellers.
   Fortunetelling has been especially popular during certain periods of his
«  2017-12-08
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Iris—a message.
  In Greek mythology, iris was the goddess of rainbow and a messenger of gods, particularly of Hera.
  Ivy—ever-lasting life.
«  2017-12-08
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Horse—speed, grace, war; and in Christian art, courage and generosity.
  According to Greek mythology, Poseidon, the god of the sea, and Athena, the golddess of wisdom, argued which of them should give name to Athens. The gods decided that the city should be c
«  2017-12-08
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Clover—hope.
  The Romans considered the tree the sacred tree of Pluto, the god of the underworld, because once it is cut it never grows again. It is said that its wood was once used for making coffins. In Shakespeare’s Twelfth Ni
«  2017-12-07
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   The evil eye
  The evil eye is the power some people are supposed to have to harm people or their possessions by merely looking at them. According to superstition, an evil people who has this power may use it to cause such misfortune as death, illness, or prope
«  2017-11-15
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   yeah! If his left ear burns, they are talking ill.
  thanks luxiaan
«  2017-10-14
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Yew—sorrow.
  Yew trees often grew in English churchyards. Branches of the trees served as funeral decorations, and were twined into wreath s for the heads of the mourners. For this reason, the yew often symbolizes sadness. In Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, the c
«  2017-10-02
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   
  Americans believe that one is very close to death when one sneezes, because sneezing can drive the soul from the head, or the life from the body. So to the sneezer they say,“god bless you”, as a charm against the danger of the moment.
«  2017-10-02
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Fox—cunning, artifice.
  If a person deceives others by means of clever tricks, he may be said to be a sly old fox. English idiom: 1. crazy like a fox: very clever or not easily deceived. 2. (as) cunning as a fox.
  If a man ha
«  2017-10-02
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Bear-- Ill-temper.
  English idiom: like a bear with a sore head.(活像一只头疼的熊) Example: I can’t ask the boss for a holiday now because he’s like a bear with a sore head this morning.
  Bee -- Industry.
  English idiom: 1. (as) busy as a bee: very bus
«  2017-10-02
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Lamb—innocence, meekness, sacrifice.
  A young gentle person may be called a lamb. In the Bible Jesus was called the Lamb of God. English idioms: 1. (as) meek as lamb: very humble, timid, or peaceful. 2. like/as a lamb to the slaughter: without seeming to reali
«  2017-10-02
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Myrtle—love.
  Ancient Greeks thought myrtle was sacred to the godness of love, Aphrodite(Venus)
  Oak—strength, sturdiness, majesty, longevity.
  Most oaks live for 200 to 400 years. Oak wood is heavy, hard, and strong. The English people call the
«  2017-10-02
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Weeping willow—sorrow.
  In the Bible, one Psalm says:
   By the waters of Babylon,
   There we sat down and wept,
   When we remembered Zion.
   On the willows there we hung our lyres.
  In Shakespeare’s Othello, Desdemona sings
«  2017-10-02
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Swan—grace.
  English idiom: ride the/a tiger: live in a very uncertain or dangerous way.
«  2017-10-02
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Acts supposed to be lucky
  Carrying a newborn baby upstairs
  Many people believe a newborn baby must be carried upstairs before being carried downstairs. In this way, the child will be assured of rising in the world and having success.
  Giving a
«  2017-10-02
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Shamrock
   In Ireland, the shamrock is a common name of the white clover. Shamrock is a type of small herb with leaves made up of three leaflets.
   According to legend, saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, planted shamrock in Ireland. When Pa
«  2017-10-02
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   seven
  seven is used frequently in the Bible to signify completeness.God created the world in six days,and had a rest on the seventh,meaning his job had been this way he set the pattern for the seven-day week.the number also appears frequently in the
«  2017-09-30
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Acts supposed to be unlucky
  Breaking a mirror
  One of the most common superstitions is that to break a mirror brings death, or seven years of bad luck. It is said that when Napoleon was in Italy fighting in a war, he broke a mirror accidentally which hung
«  2017-08-19
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Cat—deceit.
  Cicada --- poetry
  Cock ---- watchfulness, insolence.
  Crocodile ---hypocrisy.
  According to an old belief, crocodiles wept white eating what they had caught. English idiom: crocodile tears: insincere tears.(鳄鱼的眼泪--
«  2017-08-19
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Black cat
  Throughout much of the Middle Ages, cats were feared and hated. Since they are very sly and in the habit of moving about in the darkness at night, people used to associate them with witches and the evil spirits. Cats were treated cruelly, and even b
«  2017-08-19
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Hawk—watchfulness, greediness, martialism.
  Hawk may be used to refer to a person regarded as having the grasping nature of a hawk; it may also be used for a person who believes in using force, or in increasing violence in war. English idioms: 1. hawks and do
«  2017-08-19
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Divination
  Divination is the practice of trying to learn about the unknown by magical or supernatural means. A diviner is supposed to have to have the ability to learn about the past, present, or future. Some diviners believe they can learn the causes of pas
«  2017-08-19
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   加利利的渔夫、十二门徒之一的彼得,在耶酥被钉上十字架后感到传道的无力,他三次否认自己是耶酥的门徒。但是在他受到再次降临的耶酥的启示后,他发现自己具备了耶酥的神力,那些肢体缺损和生病的人们走到他的影子里,他就可以治愈他们,让人们变得容光焕发,从此以后他的信众越来越多。在圣彼得也被钉上十字架后两百年,基督教终于传遍了西方世界。(转)
«  2017-08-19
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Olive—peace, glory.
  Orange blossom—chastity, purity, fruitfulness.
  The orange tree bears fruit and flowers at the same time, so its blossoms make an excellent symbol of fruitfulness or productiveness. The orange blossoms are also symbolic of chast
«  2017-08-19
回复了主题 › the traditional beliefs,legends and customs of the British & Americ   Lily—purity, chastity, innocence.
  English idiom: (as) pure as a lily. No other flower has ever had so great a religious significance. In pictures of the Annunciation, the angel Gabriel comes to the Virgin Mary with a branch of lilies in his hand, to announce
«  2017-08-15