特瓦格尼/ FORMa*

2019-11-20 16:02:21

特瓦格尼/ FORMa*  关键词:专筑网,专筑设计、专筑视界、专筑讲坛、专筑视频、专筑资料  Terwagne  由专筑网(iarch.cn)侯永禄,韩平编译  建筑区距离横向限位的5米处。靠近街道一侧,它与房子的西段伸出部分对齐。它的深度是15米。花园是在北偏东北方向的。  The buil

  特瓦格尼/ FORMa*





  The building zone is situated at 5 meters distance of the lateral limits. On the street side, it’s aligned on the advanced parts of the houses on the west. Its depth is 15 meters. The Garden is oriented at the north-northeast.


  « Champ des Mottes »对建成环境做出相应要求,这所房子很好的完成了这一角色。

  Designed on the basis of the volumetric language and templates already present in the « Champ », the houses merge very well in the characteristic built environment of the « Champ des Mottes ».

  以上文字节选自专筑网“特瓦格尼/ FORMa*”一文,全文阅读http://www.iarch.cn/thread-33405-1-1.html