VI应用 \/ Otoño 100%的韦尔瓦伊比利亚[野猪]

By Hank0930 at 2017-05-18 • 0人收藏 • 209人看过
Otoño is 100% Ibérico Spanish ham made from free-range pigs raised in a sustainable environment. We chose the brand name, "Otoño" (Autumn), as it represents a direct reference to the idea of climate and natural environment, as well as to the trees that produce the acorns, which are crucial to the quality and distinction of this exquisite product.Ibérico Ham is an exclusive, only Spanish product, and we wanted to represent the importance of its origins to this product's identity. The presence of the unique Spanish letter "Ñ" reinforces its roots. Also the symmetrical rhythm of the three capital "O's" helps generate a strong, stable logo.The logo's most singular trait is the shape over of the "Ñ" character, based on the historic Spanish typeface, Ibarra Real, which lends a very special and authentic design to this unique accent. A new sans typeface was built around that special shape, which is also reminiscent of the traditional geometry-based iron logos from old "ganaderías" (livestock ranches).  
