
By queenie0808 at 2017-05-08 • 0人收藏 • 207人看过
She Walks in Beauty她走在美的光影里,像皎洁无云,星光灿烂的夜色;明与暗最精妙的色泽,都交汇于她那玉容秋波里,融成一片柔美的光,这光,即便华艳的白昼,上苍也拒不施舍.增一抹暗影,减一缕光晕,都足以令这难言的风韵消损.这风韵在她的每一缕发丝间涌动,在她的脑上轻柔地闪耀.思绪恬静柔和地在脸庞荡漾,啊!它们的寓所多么圣洁,多么典雅.眼角眉梢,如此温柔,如此恬静,却蕴涵着千言万语,那迷人的微笑,那明媚的容颜,却流露出善良中度过的芳年.平和的思绪容纳了一切,心中的爱情晶莹而纯洁.英原版:‍She Walks in BeautyShe walks in beauty, like the night  Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright  Meet in her aspect and her eyes:  Thus mellowed to that tender light  Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the less,  Had half impaired the nameless grace  Which waves in every raven tress,  Or softly lightens o'er her face;  Where thoughts serenely sweet express  How pure, how dear their dwelling place. And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,  So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,  The smiles that win, the tints that glow,  But tell of days in goodness spent,  A mind at peace with all below,  A heart whose love is innocent! 这首诗是青年拜伦于1814年在一次舞会上邂逅美丽的霍顿夫人(Lady Wilmot Horton)后写下的。当时霍顿夫人身着丧服, 丧服上面缀有许多金属亮片,在灯光的辉映下光芒如水一样流动,恬淡的笑容难以掩盖淡淡的忧伤。她的美丽娴静犹如万里无云、繁星点缀的静谧夜空,那份美犹如流动在她黑发上的光彩,多一分或少一分,都会损害这个完美形象。她的纯洁和善良更为她的形体的美增添了丰富的内涵。诗人立即被她的美所震撼,一挥而就这首千古绝唱。
